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Project Recruitment


Applications have now closed! Thank you everyone who have sent in their applications to volunteer with us!

Keep an eye out on your e-mails in the next coming days - we will be contacting you. 




Project ‘Anak Malaysia’, previously named as Project Teringai-Tumunda is one of Charisma Movement’s annual flagship projects, beginning as Project Inspire Teringai in 2013 with volunteers teaching in SK Temuno Teringai Darat (SKTTD). In 2016, the project then expanded to include SK Tumunda Salimandut at the request of a former SKTTD teacher, who felt that the project could benefit more students. Project ‘Anak Malaysia’ will be carried out for two weeks, covering various aspects of education with emphasis being placed on the English Language and Mathematics, as well as the importance of health and hygiene. This year, we are adding another school to the list, SK Samparita to create more opportunities to volunteers and beneficiaries . We are recruiting about 55 highly capable and passionate volunteers, who spend the entire duration of the project teaching and inspiring the student-beneficiaries. 

Through this project we aim to :

• Motivate the student-beneficiaries to work hard towards achieving their       ambitions. 

• Take a small step towards combating illiteracy and breaking the cycle of     poverty in Malaysia.

• Raise awareness regarding education inequality within underprivileged       communities in Malaysia. 

• Accelerate overall development and potential of student-beneficiaries          through personal guidance and motivation.



Conservation Project

This year, we continue to reform our project not only to improve volunteering experience, but also to focus on the social and community impact on environmental issues. Wildlife Conservation (previously Project Penyu), to include terrapins and fireflies as our wildlife of interest, while continuing exposure to turtle conservation efforts. Besides, mangrove ecosystem will be included to raise the awareness on the importance of this ecosystem in protecting the shoreline and provide essential habitats to hundred species of wildlife. Meanwhile, we also focus on environmental education in the local community, by organising career talks on the topic of environmental conservation efforts and environment related career pathways, besides educating the local community about the detrimental effects of illegal turtle egg harvesting towards our ecosystem

Through this project we aim to :

  • To instil a sense of stewardship for the environment in Malaysian youth through hands-on conservation work on visitor centre. 

  • To raise awareness about wildlife conservation efforts to the public by conducting talks at the campaigns. 

  • To create awareness of wildlife conservation efforts in at large Malaysia through social media.

  •  To engage in acts of community service (i.e. beach clean-ups) 

  •  To engage with the local community by creating awareness regarding their economic activities

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