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Young Wordsmiths Competition 2023

An initiative to improve English literacy levels among primary school students of SK Samparita, SK Tumunda, and SK Teringai.

Quarter 1: An Unforgettable Memory

First Place

Doerkel Wilter

12 years old, SK Tumunda

Second Place

Eviella Ivyannie Jaindon

10 years old, SK Tumunda

Third Place

Arvey Krish

12 years old, SK Samparita

Quarter 2: Your Favorite Person or A Person that That Inspires You

First Place

Amirah Ayra Nurdyiescha Bt Dahlan

12 years old, SK Tumunda

Second Place

Xuerell Tommy

11 years old, SK Samparita

Third Place

Cellinyta Lingin

11 years old, SK Tumunda

Best Writing Improvement Award

Edryana Rana Edmund

10 years old, SK Tumunda

Competition Details

Competition Dates: TBD
Submission Guidelines: TBD

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