1. There are no restrictions to the duration of the project, as long as it can be carried out within the budget.
2. The project should be carried out in Malaysia and everyone is welcomed to participate in the project. Project volunteers are required to be at least 18 years of age during the application.
3. All ideas are welcomed as long as it fits our general objectives and should be non-discriminatory against gender, race, religion, sexuality, special needs, political ideologies, social class and field of study.
Inspire Initiative 2020
By Aiynah Hazni

Charisma Movement held the first and largest CPR relay in Malaysia with the aim to raise awareness regarding the leading cause of death in Malaysia - coronary heart disease. The event made it to the Malaysian Book of Record and was a huge success in providing the public with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills of basic CPR required to resuscitate a person in times of emergency.
Aiming to explore the reality of blue-collared workers- whose jobs are deemed unappreciated in Malaysian society, this initiative was carried out for the volunteers to explore the job scope in the working class of manual labor and respecting the undervalued work force in our country.